
Fairy Unicorn Wishes (Fairy Mom and Me #3)

  • Sophie Kinsella
  • Yearling (Random House Children’s Books), 2019
Fairy Unicorn Wishes

In this very sweet book, Ella’s mom is a fairy — but not a very disciplined fairy. Fairies have adopted 21st-century technologies, so Ella’s friends never suspect her mother’s magical powers. Lucky Ella!

Fairy Unicorn Wishes presents four linked chapter-book-style stories for readers who are ready to move into independent reading or who have the attention span to listen to a longer story read aloud. The illustrations supporting the book are soft and charming — helpful for readers still working to make sense of print.

The stories themselves are highly feminized — unsurprising if you’ve read Sophie Kinsella’s novels for adult readers — but present strong, identifiable female figures in active roles. There’s also a recurring theme of girl-on-girl bullying, which may lead to productive discussions between readers.

It’s not for every reader, but Fairy Unicorn Wishes will delight a segment of the market. A good selection for classrooms and public libraries — the book is one in a series that could step readers into the Whatever After series, into Harry Potter, or into a broader selection of fantasy. And as readers age, there are numerous Sophie Kinsella novels awaiting them in the future.